Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, is one of the most commonly-requested cosmetic procedures among patients. Liposuction surgery in Visakhapatnam incorporates advanced fat removal techniques to eliminate pockets of fat cells around the body. These stubborn fat deposits are often difficult to reduce, as troublesome bulging may remain despite your best weight loss efforts healthy diets and frequent exercise may not be enough to reduce the appearance of excess fat. Additionally, lax skin can cause a drooping effect, resulting in an older-looking, worn complexion that can affect self-confidence. Lipo techniques can result in precise fat reduction and skin tightening to eliminate unsightly fat layers for firm curves and youthful-looking definition.
Liposuction remains the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the Visakhapatnam and one of the most popular procedures performed by Visakhapatnam plastic surgeon Dr. Garth Fisher. Dr. Garth Fishe has performed liposuction in Visakhapatnam for over 20 years and is considered among the best surgeons the city has to offer.
Liposuction is the gold standard method to produce permanent spot reduction and contour improvement in areas affected by excess fatty deposits. Your fat cells are distributed throughout your body early in life, as determined by your genetics. Fat cells cannot migrate or multiply, and once they are removed, they cannot come back. Therefore, any contour improvement achieved with liposuction is a permanent improvement and will persist, even if a patient gains weight.
This treatment is not, however, an appropriate method for achieving weight loss, although it can, and often does, help motivate patients to improve their diet and exercise patterns post-operatively.
In women, liposuction is most commonly used to treat:
- Waist
- Saddlebags (outer thighs)
- Hips
- Abdomen
- Inner thighs
- Circumferential thighs
- Knees
- Arms
- Calves
In men, liposuction is often used to treat:
- "Love-handles"
- Lower abdomen
- Under the chin (submental)
- Chest
Men are often interested in treating their abdomen, waist and chest.
More often than not, patients choose to have two or more areas treated during one procedure.
Visakhapatnam plastic surgeon Dr. Garth Fishe performs all procedures using the tumescent technique. This technique, which is the gold standard according to most experts, involves the injection of a dilute solution of lidocaine as a local anesthetic and epinephrine to control bleeding prior to the actual suctioning of the fatty tissue. The process effectively reduces blood loss, allows for increased fat removal and improved sculpting, and speeds recovery.
The suctioning is carefully performed using a 3 to 3.7-millimeter metallic rod, known as the cannula, inserted via a tiny puncture in the skin. The procedure is generally performed while the patient is comfortably sedated by our board-certified anesthesiologist. (Some patients, especially those treating only one small area opt for pure local anesthesia, usually with some oral sedation.) Patients typically have no memory of the event, and leave the office within 30-60 minutes after the procedure, feeling great! Most patients can return to work within 3 days following their Vizag liposuction procedure, and return to the gym within a week.